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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 02:34:28

Hainan Province, China's most in the south, an area of about 34,000 square kilometers, the resident population of 7237900 people. It is China's only tropical island province, China's total area of marine waters of the 1 / 3, year round pleasant climate, the average temperature was 25.3 degrees, the air is fresh, no perennial winter, the forest coverage rate will reach 50 per cent of the population ranked the life expectancy forefront of the country are first-class air environment. Hainan currently has more than 200 various types of tourist hotels, are suitable for leisure tourism resorts.


The sea south province, locate the most south side of our country, the area is about 34,000 square kilometers, often living the population contain 723.79 myriad peoples.BE our country unique tropical island province, the ocean area shares the our country total waters of 1/3, whole year round the weather is pleasant, year mean temperature is 25.3 degree, the air is deli